Friday, February 5, 2010

What a GREAT update!

This afternoon, our surgeon came in and told Nate that he could have clear liquids until this evening. If he could tolerate those, then he could start a "normal" diet. Nate will start slowly, but is excited. Also, if all goes well, the NG tube will be taken out this evening. Nate is off almost all of his narcotics, and is feeling beter, except for the "pain". They are working on using some other things, so that his bowels will continue to improve and work. We are still hoping to be able to come home on Sunday enough time for the SUPER BOWL.
We want to again thank everyone for their faith and prayers in Nate's behalf, and for your love and friendship....You are all AWESOME.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful update!!! Praying all went well this weekend and can not wait until we check the blog that you got to go home!!! Thinking of all you and praying..........your prayer warriors in Georgia!! Irene
