Saturday, January 23, 2010

Flu Bug going around the pod...

Nate wasn't feeling well on Thursday due to a flu bug that had seemed to go around the pod area where he is in the hospital. Some employees and patients seemed to get sick to their stomachs and have body aches and fevers. Nate was one of those and it is thought that he may be dealing with the on-set of pnemonia. On top of not feeling well to his stomach due to the flu he also has air bubbles in his abdomen that are causing him some pain. The Dr.'s have said that his bed sore is getting deeper so he needs to be up and getting around a little bit more. They think that he will be able to be stitched up in about 1-2 weeks and then be on his way home!! Hopefully all will go well.


  1. He's a real fighter! That's scary to even think of pneumonia! He doesn't need another thing! Hope all will go well from now on.
    xoxox to all!
